Well it has been a while since my last post, been busy trying to get the name changed for our electrical service. Sounds simple doesn't it? Nope, not exactly. Since it will be put into the name of our corporation we first obtain a Certificacion de Personeria Jurdidica from the Registro Nacional located just a few miles away in Limon. Once we get that it is good for only 30 days when it expires. When we obtained our corporation my passport was about to expire so I renewed it and when you do that you get a new passport number. Well it does not match the old passport number so as of now I can not use this for business without Jana coming along since her passport number is the same. Minor glitch. Next you have to go to the ICE office which is also located just a few miles (klicks) away in BriBri. Once there you are informed that there is a bill outstanding that needs to be paid before that can accept our solicitation for the name change. Back to Puerto to pay the bill and get a receipt. Since I was short of cash off to the bank to stand in line for the ATM. Back to pay the bill. Pick up Jana and head back to BriBri to the office again. Once we get there we wait about a half hour while the person in charge of the electricity accounts is helping people with cell phones......
After a while they take our paperwork, make copies and hand us a notice saying that this is a receipt por la solicitud. Al respecto le estaremos comunicando el resultado lo mas pronto posible. So now we wait and see if we can get the name changed. All this took was 3 and half hours to accomplish. Had this been San Jose it would have taken all day.
On a not so quiet note, last Thursday an American was shot and killed while sitting alone on the beach. The police have no suspects and probably will never find the person who did this horrible thing. Residents and tourists alike continue to worry about crime and their safety after the senseless murder of Steven Edelson last week at Playa Chiquita.
Edelson, a retired psychiatric counselor who lived in Novato, California, and his life partner Marsha Wachs, had visited Puerto Viejo several times before and enjoyed the laid back atmosphere, never feeling unsafe before. “We would take cabs, rent bicycles, hitch-hike, walk,” Wachs said. “We never ever felt there was a danger there.”
With the crime still under investigation as a presumed robbery, Edelson’s companions said they were struggling to make sense of the act. Edelson was apparently robbed of a backpack containing sunscreen, a water bottle and a beer, they said, while a watch, ring and other items were left behind.
In a small community such as Puerto Viejo, any act of violence is felt by everyone. This is beyond reason why someone would think that life can be taken this easily knowing that they would probably never be caught. Costa Rica has a long way to go to make sure not only it's citizens are safe but others as well.
This does not change my attitude toward moving here, the event was very unfortunate and hopefully not to be repeated. Everyone here lives here for a reason and cannot tolerate this kind of behavior.