The other day we were watching this couple (of sloths) as they moved around the canopy. I think this is mating season since we have seen them in the same spot a couple of days before. Anyway, the big male (this shot was taken from a long ways away) was out grabbing a bit to eat (sort of speak). If you notice you see the bright orange and black strips on its back (female does not have this coloring), if you look real close you can see the female hiding in the leaves just off it’s right.
After a while, the male sees some really good leaves down below. So what does he do? He hangs upside down from this little limb as he reaches for the prize. There is nothing between him and the ground at this point. I wonder if he had an engineer inspect that limb before doing this or maybe he just trusted that it would not break and have him and the limb go down.

These creatures have survived for a long time and I guess they know what can and can’t be trusted.