The last few days have been spent clearing the other lot next to the house. When we got the lot it was full of Cacao trees that had seen their better days and provided a resort for the local mosquito population which allowed them much free time to feast on the local human population, us! The other reason for this clearing was to create space for plants we want to grow such as fruit trees and flowering plants to attract the birds and other fauna.

This is what the lot looked like before, very over grown with Cacao that really did not produce anything worth while.
Here is the work in progress, if you notice I am not the one doing this work, Pedro, who does our garden is along with his helper.

So after a couple of days of hard work, the cacao are gone and now we can start to plant the plants we want.

Here is our first lot resident, she is taking a nap after eating leaves all night.

This will be our first real bunch of bananas in about a couple of more days, I hope Clive and Lori like bananas!