Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day, May Day

It is now the first of May, all the tourists have left, the streets are empty, the sun is shinning bright and hot.  The ocean is a turquoise blue.  Ah yes, the rainy season is upon us, you know that because all the tourists leave, don’t know why they just do.  When we were coming to Costa Rica to visit we would always come in May, there were no people, rates go down and the traffic is a bit better.  Here in Puerto Viejo, a lot of the restaurants close for the month so you know it is slow.  Hopefully, last week (Semana Santa) put enough money in their pockets to keep them going for a while.


During the month of April I decided to keep track of the rain fall and this month we only had nine inches of rain, normal is twelve.  I hate having to water my garden just to keep it alive, I would not expect that in the rain forest.  I am not planting anything else until the rains start up again.

Another thing that has happened here is a the formation of a group of people to help fight crime in the area.  There isn’t any violent crime per say, just a lot of petty robbery’s of tourists as they bicycle on their way to the beach.  Un Caribe mas Seguro (facebook) provides an opportunity for people to communicate what has happened, where and to whom.  In addition the group provides support to the victims to get these crimes reported to the authorities.  If things go unreported, everyone thinks things are just fine.


This is not real accurate but close.  A lot of the crime to is houses getting broken into.  People forget to lock windows, doors etc and the ladrones wait for the opportunity to rob you.  When ever we leave our house, everything is shut, locked and our fearless K9’s keep a sleepy eye on things.  So for a busy month of April there were 11 reported incidences.   

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