Our little town
It is getting harder to contain oneself as the days get fewer and fewer. Although there are still so many unknowns about this whole transition between here and moving there, I feel we are prepared for most of the surprises. There will be a lot of logistical things we will need to get done once we get there. After a week or two we will need to go to San Jose and meet with ARCR folks to go over our paperwork and to get a driver’s licenses so at least to get that out of the way. It will be hard to do all of this since we will have the dogs to content with in a new place. Finding someone to sit and watch the house will be a chore. By then I hope to have our cell phone activated so we can keep in touch while we are gone.
I will have to drive our friends back to San Jose the week after we get there so they can catch their flight back home, that will be a long day, 8 hours of driving in Costa Rica is like driving a week in the states. Hopefully by then they will have taken care of all the landslides along Ruta 32 as it goes up and over the mountains. The mountains are mostly unconsolidated material and not like hard rock granite so when you over steepen the slopes and add lots of rain chances are landslides will happen. The new coastal highway is going through that stage now where huge rocks the size of houses are falling on the cars. One more reason not to drive at night, to say the least.
Being on the coastal plain is much different since it is so flat and it is prone to flooding. When a big low pressure sits off shore it can pump a lot of moisture into the mountains and huge amounts of water comes tumbling down. Riding a bike there is real easy since it is so flat, a plus for sure. We will need to find a couple of well used bikes to go into town since that will probably become a daily part of life. The list of things we will need to get isn’t too long but trying to find out where to buy will be the challenge.
It’s not like Home Depot is right around the corner so you have to find out who sells what and who has the best price. I was looking at toilets at the building supply place in Hone Creek and they were $600, what a shock. Now that's what I call a throne.
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