Once in line they do a quick inspection of your lights, doors, windows, seat belts, tires, etc. Then you move along as each car goes into the building for additional tests.

Once inside they test your emissions while reving the engine at 2500 RPM. You see a read out on the computer screen. Then they bounce all four wheels to check your shocks and struts. You see a read out on the computer screen, my left two were at 61% and my right two were at 100%, hum odd. Then they check your brakes, after that they look at the under carraige to make sure your muffler is there, your steering is not loose, etc. Then you go park again and come back to the little window to receive your prize. Pass or Fail? I did pass and now have my sticker for another year, they guy who was a couple of cars ahead of me was not so lucky as he had a list of things to repair before they would pass him.

September 15 is "Independance Day" and to take advantage of Tico Pride, hockers are out selling flags. We will probably get one and you can bet that we will be outside singing the "Himo Nacional" using our very best spanish when the time comes.
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