This is the time of the year that every one looks forward to. It is called Semana Santa or Saint’s Week and it is a time when most people who live in Costa Rica have time off from their every day jobs and heads to the beach for some fun and relaxing, not to mention much drinking. While most are under control there are those who don’t follow the same rules. The other day while the beach was packed with families enjoying the sun and surf, three young ATVer’s decided to use the beach as their speed way. The policia was finally called and stopped it up until they left, then it started all over again. I was surprised that no one was injured.

As luck would have it one of our lilies decided to bloom in honor of the big event. Another cool thing was the Costa Rican Coast Guard even showed up off shore looking for those Columbia subs coming up to drop off the real pay load.

I think they were curious of all the people on the beach and probably took a bit of time off looking for the Columbians while looking at something more pleasing to the eyes.
To close off the night, Sarah and Rene provided us with a performance of songs at Stash’s Fusion Restaurant. Kind of a farewell performance, since they we be returning to the UK the middle of May, to begin work in Sicily in October. They will be missed.

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