Yesterday we went on an adventure to Cahuita National Park. We went via the park entrance in Cahuita since it only requires a donation to enter as opposed to the Punta Vargas where it costs non-residents $10/ea to enter. Along the way to the park we passed a tree full of nest of the Oro Pendola.

The trail starts out by either walking in the trees along the beach or walking on the beach itself. We chose the beach.

As you walk about 2 Km’s the trail turns back into the trees. Along the way you get to see some interesting things.

Here is a small yellow eyelash pit viper waiting for supper to pass by.

There is even an elevated section to get over the water prone areas. It hasn’t rained here in quite some time so everything is really dry.
This is a shot of the Jesus lizard which can run across water, an adult male.
Some rather large trees along the point, usually full of monkeys waiting for handouts from the tourists, but not today.
There were hundreds of these little hermit carbs all fighting over food found on the ground, the biggest ones always seem to win, hum.
Shay is leading the way back home.
This big iguana was hanging out way up in a tree, these guys get to be around 4 feet long and this one is close to that.
On our way home I just wanted to include the typical Cost Rican hazardous road sign. The tape says precaution.
This will probably remain like this for some time to come or when the palm leaf rots and falls over. It is kind of hard to see in the dark but if you are from around here you know it’s there. Anyway, it was a good road while it lasted.
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