As I signed into my blog this morning, google was all in spanish, after all I am in Costa Rica. Might take a bit getting used to but I think I manage. We have been here for three days and it has been real nice. Sorry to hear that they are still having record cold weather in Moscow, too bad for them!! Let me see the weather here has been nice, warm, sun shine, a little cooling rain, and of course let's not forget the beach.
The trip down was longgggg, the 13 hour layover ind Denver kind of puts a kink into the neck. Got asked questions as we came through customs about what's in the big box but made it ok without having to pay duties. Almost could not find our ride to the car place since Walter was out there walking around and not holding up the sign. Just as we were going to get a taxi I saw him and was able to take us right to the door. He even waited with us until it opened. After getting together with the Lawyer (who showed up before 9AM) we were on the road. So it took us about 4 hours to drive, we were making good time until we got a little ways out of Limon, 40km/hr with slow trucks and no where to pass. Made it into town around 130 or so. Our good friends Larissa and Rami greeted us and provided a cold beer. No better way to end a long trip.
We went into Puerto yesterday around 1030 in the morning and you have shot a cannon down the street and not hit a thing. Now had you done that at a local bar, half the population would had been wiped out. The World Cup was on TV and everyone was glued to the TV's only to watch Brasil loose, oh well four more years! Yea, we were the only two people milling around town.
I think I need to embrace is our neighbors roosters, most will crow early in the morning but 1:30 is a bit tooooo early. Maybe after a few months they won't even register.
That's cool I just did a spell check and all the words are misspelled, the spsell checker is spanish, doooo.
We drove around the other day and went to BriBri and on the way back the policia had a road check set up in Hone Creek. The other station is in Penshurst and is being remodled. They are checking for people coming from Panama since it is only a few kms away (not to mention gringos!)
Good news is they have graded the bumpy roads, bad news is now everyone drives faster! They are really paving the road which will be a first since I think all the other attemps have been to get recycled asphalt and roll it on the gravel which lasts about 3 mintues into the first real rain, then its back to normal bumps again. This time they are using hot asphalt and rolling it, every car suspension loves it, the car mechanics don't.
We bought our bus tickets for our Sunday trip back to SJ, I will be kicking and screaming the whole way. Hurry August!!

I almost forgot. We have unwanted guests, locust. These things are eating machines and have rended some our plants into little stubs. They are black, with red wings and orange antena. We have tried different humane things to keep them from eating, but now the only thing that seems to work is RAID! Hey we tried.
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